
Letter from Mike Grubb, PRESIDENT – Jan2024

I like to end each year by encouraging you – because your work is truly heroic, and your impact on your patients’ lives is unparalleled.

I’m also feeling nostalgic this year because 2024 marks our 40th anniversary. That’s not a typo; we have provided high-quality supplements and homeopathic remedies to healthcare professionals like you since 1984.

In 1984

  • The cost of a dozen eggs hit $1 for the first time in history, and the average price of gas in the US was $1.13 per gallon.
  • The interest rate on a 30-year conventional mortgage was almost 14%.
  • Apple released the first Macintosh computer.
  • Ghostbusters was the #1 movie.

And holistic health was growing in popularity – but was widely regarded (at least by the Western medical establishment) as a fringe practice without a future. We now know that prediction was incorrect. But few imagined in 1984 that a natural approach to medicine would be so widely accepted and adopted forty years later.

Some of you were already practicing in 1984 and were among our first customers. Others of you were still years away from the circumstances or events that called you to holistic health. In either case, you share something in common:

YOU are the reason this movement is successful.

If that sounds like hyperbole, please consider the facts:

  • Now more than ever, patients are disappointed with prescription drugs and invasive procedures, so they are actively looking for a better approach. You bring a steady, trustworthy voice backed by unmatched knowledge and experience into that frustrating environment.
  • Your medicine works; even the establishment that sometimes opposes you knows it. That’s why mega-corporations like Nestle, Pfizer, and Proctor & Gamble own supplement companies and attempt to lure your patients away. But they will never achieve your health outcomes – because those outcomes are only possible because of the indispensable role you play.
  • Patients usually want a quick fix, but you know that every person is unique, and the journey to better health takes time. So, you invest your time and energy in every patient that enters your practice.
  • The payoff of your investment is extraordinary. You’re not only giving patients improved health, you’re giving them better lives. It’s challenging, sometimes thankless work, but you’re committed for the long term, and the results are truly profound.
  • Finally, your impact goes far beyond the walls of your practice or even your community. You’re radically changing how people think about their health. Progress feels slow, but you’re advancing a cause and building a legacy that will endure long after you’re done practicing.

Thanks to your commitment and efforts, holistic health has come a long way since 1984. Today, the growth of complementary and alternative medicine appears to be accelerating. In fact, research reports predict 17-25% compound annual growth for the next 8-10 years!

So, as we enter our fortieth year, I want to personally thank you for the privilege of serving you and your practice. You’re the hero in this story, and we’re grateful for the supporting role we get to play.

We look forward to another 40 years of partnering with you.

In health,

Mike Grubb